This retro rad root beer float transports you back to your very first trip to a diner or drive-in. So relax as Jerry Lee Lewis and Buddy Holly play in your mind and stir your root beer into creamy deliciousness.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Refrigeration Time: 5 hours
Yields: about 3 cups Ricotta Icecream
Serves: 4; 10-ounce Root Beer Floats
Prepare ricotta ice cream by whisking 1 cup heavy cream to stiff peaks in a large mixing bowl with an electric mixer. Then add Frigo® Whole Milk Ricotta Cheese and sweetened condensed milk, vanilla bean extract, lemon juice, and salt and whisk on high for 2 minutes.
When done transfer to a shallow container, cover tightly, and freeze for 5 hours or until firm and ready to serve your root beer floats.
To serve floats, spoon two or three scoops of ricotta ice cream into a tall glass. Slowly pour root beer into the glass, allowing the foam to rise and then recede before adding more root beer. Serve with straws.
Turn up your favorite oldies station, sip and savor the good ol’ days!